Instructional Course Speakers

Chris Peach

I am a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in treating disorders of the shoulder and the elbow, undertaking advanced keyhole techniques or open joint replacement surgery. I treat patients suffering from a number of conditions including rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, clicking shoulder/elbow, calcific tendinitis, shoulder dislocation, shoulder or elbow arthritis, tennis/golfer's elbow and elbow instability/dislocation. I also treat fractures of the upper limb.

I am committed to furthering the development of elbow surgery and education in the UK and have recently become a founding member of the British Elbow Club. I am a faculty member of advanced training courses for shoulder and elbow replacement surgery and arthroscopic surgery and teach established surgeons throughout Europe. I jointly co-ordinate research programmes with the Manchester Institute of Bio Technology at the University of Manchester.

I am a member of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society and sit on the council of the society as the Chairman of the Research Committee. I have also recently been awarded membership of the European Society for Surgery to the Shoulder and Elbow.

I have an active interest in the outcome of my treatments and analyse the outcomes of my surgery by collecting shoulder and elbow patient recorded outcome measures (PROMS) before and after surgery. I am also involved in research into shoulder and elbow conditions.

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