Dr Nicola Abbott

Associate Professor in Social Psychology at UCL Institute of Education

I received my BSc Psychology from the University of Kent in 2009. It was during this time that I developed my passion for Developmental and Social Psychology. I continued my studies at the University of Kent, where I was awarded a Departmental Scholarship to pursue my PhD. My PhD thesis was entitled "Young bystander intervention in an intergroup name-calling context: The role of intergroup contact and the Theory of Planned Behaviour". I was awarded my PhD in January 2014. Shortly after, I started as a Lecturer in Social Psychology at Canterbury Christ Church University. In 2015, I was promoted to Senior Lecturer and later took on the role of Programme Director for the Undergraduate BSc Psychology. I begun my current post as Lecturer in Social Psychology at UCL Institute of Education in September 2017.

Is prejudice inevitable and universal? 

Synposis: In this talk, Dr. Nicola Abbott will discuss the psychology of prejudice: What is prejudice? How and when does it develop? What are the consequences of prejudice? She will discuss her personal journey into this field of research, where she is an expert in bias-based bullying in schools. Finally, this talk will consider whether prejudice is inevitable and universal or are there ways we can we stop it and differences to note across the world. 

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