Thursday 7th - Friday 8th December 2023


We are delighted to invite you to join us at this year’s Annual AVS conference and Dinner, which will be taking place on Thursday 7th December and Friday 8th December 2023 at Nottingham Venues, Jubilee Hotel and Conferences. As is tradition, the conference will include the 42nd AGM on the afternoon of 7th  December 2023. We are working on an exciting line up of keynote presentations and interactive Workshops / Discussion Groups.  

This year’s theme is Influence and Collaboration and is centred around building truly collaborative workplace environments and how working together can help your teams truly thrive. It is based on the belief that you can’t compete externally if you can’t collaborate internally first. 

Sessions throughout the two day conference will cover what this means in daily practise coupled with thought leadership sessions, practical exercises, surveys, workshops to discuss, collaborate and review with your industry peers so you are able to positively influence and dramatically increase engagement, awareness, and accountability. 

This approach is becoming increasingly essential to meet the challenges to bring a more individual and personalised approach to services, especially so as pressure on resources and budgets continues in the sector. 

Influence (Verb) to affect or change someone or something in an indirect but usually important way.

Collaboration (Noun) individuals work together for a common purpose to achieve business benefit.

Thursday 7th December - Friday 8th December 2023

Managed and payment processed by: KC Jones conference&events Ltd
t: 01332 224506