01332 227 774

Tuesday 16 - Thursday 18 November 2021

Conference highlights:  
  • Three-day sport and exercise science programme packed with world-leading insight and expertise
  • Comprehensive programme for 2021 with 17 plenary sessions including keynotes, lectures, workshops and symposia
  • Over 60 Oral sessions
  • Hear from world-leading researchers and practitioners
  • Five BASES CPD credits per day
  • Awards available to reward outstanding research and practice
  • Opportunity to network, make notes and view the programme through the conference app
  • Delegates can access the recordings for all sessions for up to a month after the conference concludes

Prof John Saxton FBASES 
(Chair of the BASES Conference Planning Group)

"We aim to provide three days of world-leading content across sport and exercise sciences. Whether you wish to present your own research or listen to others, I hope you will join us for what promises to be an outstanding event."