Elusive Risks Workshop Thursday 28 April, 2:50 - 4:20
The Cancer Research UK Elusive Risks research team (Ignacia Arteaga and Kelly Fagan Robinson) have conducted research since 2019 across Cambridgeshire to re-contextualise the category of ‘hard-to-reach’ populations within the contexts of cancer, risk and care. Their work aims to better understand why people may not participate in or have concerns about screening and other early cancer detection interventions.
We will outline how learning to make more effective use of existing community networks can build trust across communities, reshape invisible assumptions about the populations we serve as health researchers, and interrogate the notions of justice behind the research interventions we design. This learning, we argue, can help us foster effective knowledge-sharing practices between researchers, clinicians, and diverse publics. We will draw on first-hand accounts from the lives and work of health professionals, community leaders and Cambridgeshire residents to help participants think outside existing notions of ‘hard-to-reach’ and move beyond typical delimitations of ‘risk’ and ‘care’. We will use an anthropological grounding alongside examples of art therapy methods to discuss what we have learned and how this can be incorporated to promote diversity in health research.
Dr Ignacia Arteaga Dr Ignacia Arteaga is a Philomathia Research Fellow and Affiliated Lecturer at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge. She is also a research fellow at Robinson College, Cambridge. Ignacia’s ongoing research concerns the practices and attitudes of multiple stakeholders involved in the fields of cancer detection and care in the UK and the USA. She is also the lead investigator of “Represent: A Community Engagement Roadmap to Improve Participant Representation in Cancer Research Early Detection”, a collaborative and comparative research project in the USA and the UK funded by the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED). You can read more about Ignacia’s research at www.anthced.com
Dr Kelly Fagan Robinson Dr Kelly Fagan Robinson is a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow and an Affiliated Lecturer in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, and a Research Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge. Her work covers a broad base of anthropological and interdisciplinary research on non-normative communication forms and related epistemic dissonances within health and disability spaces in the UK and internationally.
Her Leverhulme project, Communication Faultlines on the Frontlines, tests the limits of communicating need and deservingness of support between people who have little common ground, whether when seeking public support or contending with cancer risks. In addition to Robinson's work with Arteaga on co-defining ‘risk’ and ‘care’ with people deemed ‘at-risk’ for the CRUK 'Elusive Risks', she also leads an International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection Skills Exchange between anthropologists at Cambridge, and epidemiologists and risk prediction modellers at the University of Manchester.
BPOS Student/New Investigator Session Friday 29 April, 1:40 - 2:25
BPOS students and those early in their research careers are invited to join student representatives, Lucy and Sara in conversation with Dr Steph Archer, BPOS Chair Elect: 'A Career in Academic Research'. Steph will share her experience and insight of what an academic research career may entail, what skills are required and how these might be developed. Attendees are welcome to submit questions in advance or 'live' during the event.
Inequalities in Psycho-Oncology Services Discussion Friday 29 April, 2:30 - 3:15
The British Psychological Society (BPOS) Faculty of Oncology and Palliative Care (SIGOPAC) recently ran an event for its members focused on inequalities in access, utilisation and outcomes for patients in relation to specialist psycho-oncology services. One of the key challenges identified by clinicians was the dearth of research in this area, despite large pools of data across clinical services across the country. This session seeks to bring to the surface some of the pertinent priorities with addressing inequalities in psycho-oncology services, highlight barriers identified by clinicians and to explore what might facilitate stronger research and collaboration between academics and clinicians within this area.
Dr Sahil Suleman Sahil is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist leading the Cancer Psychological Support (CaPS) service at St George’s Hospital in South West London. He has a special interest in addressing inequalities alongside his clinical practice, which is primarily ACT/CBT-based and systemic. Along with Justin, he is leading on ‘inequalities’ within the BPS Faculty of Oncology and Palliative Care and is the psychology representative for the ‘personalised cancer care and inequalities’ group in the Transforming Cancer Services Team in London. In addition to his clinical role, he is also currently on secondment as a ‘psycho-oncology subject matter expert’ within the West London Cancer Alliance (Royal Marsden Partners) and as part of the RISE Ethnic Minority Leadership Scheme, provides mentorship to psychologists/therapists.
Dr Justin Grayer Justin is Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychological Services for Adult Patients and Staff at the Royal Marsden Hospital in West London. His clinical practice predominantly draws upon 3rd Wave CBTs, including ACT, as well as CAT. In addition to co-leading on inequalities work within the BPD Faculty of Oncology and Palliative Care, Justin also served as the chair of the RMH/ICR LGBT+ Network (2017-21) and drives a strong quality improvement agenda focused on addressing inequalities within his clinical service.
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