Green-tech Specifier is the specification arm of the established and experienced landscape supplies company Green-tech. With over 25 years’ experience of working within the landscape, forestry and construction sectors, the team behind Green-tech Specifier has a wealth of knowledge of the landscape environment. Covering a broad spectrum of disciplines including urban greening, woodland management, urban tree planting, ecology, conservation and biodiversity, Green-tech Specifier has become accustomed to working with architects and designers on large scale projects that encompass all these disciplines. Whether you are designing a green roof project or planning city centre tree coverage, Green-tech Specifier has a wealth of project experience and product knowledge that can assist your specification. 

Vestre is a Scandinavian manufacturer of beautiful, inclusive, and durable urban furniture. For more than 70 years, we have helped create caring meeting places for millions of people. We never compromise when it comes to material quality, lifespan and the environment; our products are manufactured only in Scandinavia and Vestre is the first company to manufacture carbon-neutral outdoor furniture (we’ve done so for over 10 years). In addition, we have made a long-term commitment to sustainability in all parts of our operations and have embedded nine of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals within our business plan.

Lands Design is a professional landscape design software with BIM technology. It provides technical drawings (2D), 3D models and documentation. It automatically generates the quantity take off lists of plants and other materials. It has 2 versions working on AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and Rhino. The licenses of the program are perpetual with free training and free technical support. Lands Design includes an extensive plant database with 3D models and botanical information. It also includes several powerful tools for producing and calculating Earth-moving operations, hardscape, irrigation and all you need for landscape design.

Lands Design is an ASUNI product. Asuni, founded in 1993, is also the developer of VisualARQ which is an architectural BIM solution for Rhino 3D.

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