Friday 14 - Saturday 15 March 2025
Language World is the annual conference and CPD event of the Association for Language Learning. It is a highlight of the year for languages education and attracts hundreds of participants a day from across all educational sectors, with a large number coming from primary and secondary schools.
The theme of Language World 2025 is Weaving a rich tapestry: our languages, our world(s)
The Language World Submission Portal is NOW CLOSED!
Key Dates
We invite teachers, teacher educators, and researchers to join us in sharing ideas and best practice. Whatever your teaching experience, please do consider submitting a proposal. Submissions are welcome from educators who are starting out on their career to those with many years of experience.
Focus for the workshops and oral presentations
We are specifically interested in submissions of new and topical presentations which focus on the following areas:
Presentation Formats
Speakers can choose how they allow for interaction with participants, whether within or at the end of the allocated slot. This could include a Q & A.
Speaker Bookings and Attendance
Once the review process is complete, all accepted speakers will need to book to attend the conference. We are able to offer the following reduced rates for one speaker for each accepted presentation:
Both registration types exclude accommodation and dinner.
Any additional speakers will need to register and pay as Language World delegates at the relevant delegate attendance rate. Unfortunately, our funds do not permit us to cover any expenses for speakers.
Please note that we are not planning to offer virtual presentations. The event will take place in person at the Chesford Grange, Kenilworth.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Key Dates
Language World 2025 is Sponsored by