Postgraduate Student Bursaries
Financial Assistance is available for current postgraduate students to attend the Developmental Psychology Section’s Virtual Annual Conference from the 15th-17th September 2021.
The maximum value of awards is £100 per applicant to be used towards registration.
Applications are welcome until the closing date of 12:00pm on Wednesday 1 September.
Applications will be assessed by a sub-committee of the BPS Developmental Committee. Applications that make a strong case for need and the benefits of attendance will be funded, subject to the funds available. Decisions will be made and communicated after the closing date.
- The award is open to postgraduates registered for degrees at any UK or Republic of Ireland institution.
- Applicants must be members of the BPS Developmental Psychology Section.
Application Process:
Applicants will be required to provide:
- Name
- Organisation/affiliation
- BPS membership number
- University email address
- Confirmation that they are a member of the Developmental Section
- A statement of not more than 150 words providing a brief explanation of why a bursary is needed (e.g., because a postgraduate student is not funded by a research council or their institution), why the applicant should be awarded a bursary, and how she or he will benefit from attending the conference.
- Details of the funding required
Click here to submit your online bursary application
Further conditions:
- Late applications will not be accepted and only the first 150 words of any statements that exceed the word limits will be considered.
- All recipients of the award will be expected to write a piece for Developmental Forum. This could be a review of the conference or a piece on a topic relating to the applicant’s research. You will be given some direction for this and support from one of our editors.
- Decisions will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding unsuccessful applications.